Harnessing GPT as a Coding Assistant: A Guide with a Grain of Salt

Harnessing GPT as a Coding Assistant: A Guide with a Grain of Salt

In the realm of artificial intelligence, GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) has emerged as a groundbreaking tool that has the potential to revolutionize numerous fields, including programming. However, while GPT can serve as a valuable coding assistant, it’s crucial to understand its limitations and the necessity of human expertise in the process. GPT, developed by OpenAI, […]

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Harnessing Recursive GPT Models for Code Creation and Optimization

Harnessing Recursive GPT Models for Code Creation and Optimization

This article delves into the intricacies of creating a recursive loop with Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models for code creation and optimization. It discusses the concept of Recursive Self Training Transformers (RSTTs), their implementation, and the challenges of writing prompts.

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