How to Deploy Your Code Directly to a Server Using GitHub Actions

How to Deploy Your Code Directly to a Server Using GitHub Actions

This article provides a detailed guide on how to deploy your code directly to a server using GitHub Actions. It covers the prerequisites, creating an SSH user, identifying the server folder path, setting up your GitHub repository, creating a secret with the private SSH key, and creating a GitHub workflow.

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Understanding Unique Value Proposition: What, How, and Why?

Understanding Unique Value Proposition: What, How, and Why?

This article provides a deep dive into the concept of Unique Value Proposition (UVP), its importance, and how to determine and leverage it for business success. It offers a step-by-step guide to understanding your customers, analyzing your competition, identifying your strengths, and creating a compelling UVP.

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Creating a WordPress Plugin to Generate QR Codes

Creating a WordPress Plugin to Generate QR Codes

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on creating a WordPress plugin that generates QR codes linking to your post URL. Using the phpqrcode library, you can accomplish this task without the need for a composer. All you need is a text file editor or a code editor, and about 30 minutes of your time.

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Visualizing Time Management: Creating Summary PDFs from timeEdition App CSV Exports Using Python

Visualizing Time Management: Creating Summary PDFs from timeEdition App CSV Exports Using Python

Introduction In an increasingly digital world, effective time management is crucial for productivity. With numerous projects to manage, activities to complete, and deadlines to meet, tracking your time efficiently is of the essence. timeEdition by MAMP GmbH is one such App that helps you keep track of time spent on different activities and projects. However, […]

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A Farewell to Stack Overflow: A Decade-Long Journey Ends

A Farewell to Stack Overflow: A Decade-Long Journey Ends

After a decade of active participation, I have decided to bid farewell to Stack Overflow (SO), a platform that has been a significant part of my professional journey as a programmer. This decision was not made lightly, but after careful consideration of the platform’s evolution, its current state, and my personal experiences. Stack Overflow, since […]

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The Paradox of Open Source: The Power of Collaboration and Mayhem of Pareto in the (F)OSS Community

The Paradox of Open Source: The Power of Collaboration and Mayhem of Pareto in the (F)OSS Community

The open source software movement, characterized by collaboration, transparency, and accessibility, has revolutionized software development. However, it faces significant challenges, including the disproportionate distribution of work and the sustainability of projects. This article explores these issues and proposes solutions to ensure the longevity of the open source community.

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Making the Switch: Why We Transitioned from Sublime Text to Visual Studio Code

Making the Switch: Why We Transitioned from Sublime Text to Visual Studio Code

We’ve been faithful users and staunch advocates of Sublime Text for nearly a decade. It’s been an integral part of our development process, providing a lightweight and fast editor that seemed to align perfectly with our needs. Yet, we recently made the decision to transition to Visual Studio Code (VS Code). This wasn’t a decision […]

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The Path in the CMS World: A Journey from ClassicPress to WordPress

The Path in the CMS World: A Journey from ClassicPress to WordPress

TukuToi, a strong advocate of ClassicPress, has made the decision to move back to WordPress due to its consistent platform and compatibility with PHP, jQuery, and plugins. While still supporting ClassicPress financially, TukuToi highlights the need for major changes in the project to consider using it again for production. TukuToi has been a (almost stubborn) […]

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How Technology and Innovation can Fight Global Hunger?

How Technology and Innovation can Fight Global Hunger?

Despite the alarming fact that around 700 million people worldwide lack sufficient food, technology and innovation are stepping up to combat global hunger. From apps and digital platforms to humanitarian organizations, various entities are leveraging technology to make a significant difference.

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Digital Salt and Light: Standing Up for the Truth

Digital Salt and Light: Standing Up for the Truth

The world, it seems to me, is getting darker every day – crimes are escalating, injustices are rising, and morals are decaying. And the rapid advancements in computer technology have only accelerated this descent into darkness, notwithstanding all the good things they have brought us. These great digital tools that have come from the greatest […]

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