Enhancing WordPress User Deletion: A Comprehensive Guide

Enhancing WordPress User Deletion: A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress is a versatile platform, but it can struggle with performance issues during the user deletion process, especially with large user lists. This guide provides a solution that enhances the user deletion process, addressing these performance issues and providing a mechanism for reassigning comments of deleted users.

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QA and QC: The Pillars of Our Development Process

QA and QC: The Pillars of Our Development Process

This article provides an in-depth understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC), their roles in software development, and how they are implemented at TukuToi. It emphasizes the importance of these processes in delivering bug-free, secure, and maintainable software.

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Harnessing GPT as a Coding Assistant: A Guide with a Grain of Salt

Harnessing GPT as a Coding Assistant: A Guide with a Grain of Salt

In the realm of artificial intelligence, GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) has emerged as a groundbreaking tool that has the potential to revolutionize numerous fields, including programming. However, while GPT can serve as a valuable coding assistant, it’s crucial to understand its limitations and the necessity of human expertise in the process. GPT, developed by OpenAI, […]

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The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence in Web Design

The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence in Web Design

Web design is a blend of art and science. This article explores the application of mathematical concepts like the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence in web design. These principles, used in art and architecture for centuries, can also be applied to create aesthetically pleasing and harmonious web designs.

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Harnessing Recursive GPT Models for Code Creation and Optimization

Harnessing Recursive GPT Models for Code Creation and Optimization

This article delves into the intricacies of creating a recursive loop with Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models for code creation and optimization. It discusses the concept of Recursive Self Training Transformers (RSTTs), their implementation, and the challenges of writing prompts.

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A Farewell to Stack Overflow: A Decade-Long Journey Ends

A Farewell to Stack Overflow: A Decade-Long Journey Ends

After a decade of active participation, I have decided to bid farewell to Stack Overflow (SO), a platform that has been a significant part of my professional journey as a programmer. This decision was not made lightly, but after careful consideration of the platform’s evolution, its current state, and my personal experiences. Stack Overflow, since […]

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The Path in the CMS World: A Journey from ClassicPress to WordPress

The Path in the CMS World: A Journey from ClassicPress to WordPress

TukuToi, a strong advocate of ClassicPress, has made the decision to move back to WordPress due to its consistent platform and compatibility with PHP, jQuery, and plugins. While still supporting ClassicPress financially, TukuToi highlights the need for major changes in the project to consider using it again for production. TukuToi has been a (almost stubborn) […]

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To Drag & Drop, or not to Drag & Drop, that is the question

To Drag & Drop, or not to Drag & Drop, that is the question

The debate between using Drag & Drop builders like Gutenberg Blocks and custom coding for website creation is a common one. This analysis delves into the advantages and disadvantages of each method, providing insights on when to use each for optimal results.

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Why Choose WordPress For Your Blog Platform?

Why Choose WordPress For Your Blog Platform?

WordPress is a free and open-source web publishing software used to create your website or blog. It was released in 2003, and since then, it has become one of the fastest-growing and stable blogging platforms. WordPress for your blog platform is the best option when it comes to blogging or website development. It will allow […]

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Best WordPress Hosting Providers 2021

Best WordPress Hosting Providers 2021

WordPress hosting comprises upgraded and optimized hosting packages to fulfil the performance and security criteria of end-users. Studies reveal that over 42% of all active websites worldwide are managed by WordPress globally as of the time of writing. If you have something engaging to share with the world, you will need a reliable web hosting […]

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Top Free Themes Of WordPress For Your Blog In 2022

Top Free Themes Of WordPress For Your Blog In 2022

Nothing is free in this world, everything comes with a cost. And if you are looking for anything that doesn’t cost you a penny then you may have to compromise on a few things. Having said that, today I am going to recommend you top 5 free WordPress themes which can serve your purpose if […]

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