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How to Design a User-Friendly Website?

Creating a user-friendly website is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. Discover 10 essential tips to enhance your website’s usability and ensure a seamless user experience.

A website is a platform that truly represents your ability and intention to attract and engage with visitors and do not make them leave easily. Developing a user-friendly website has become an art and only a few have mastered it. According to the reports, there are around 85% of websites active globally. However, the number keeps declining, if assessed based on the visitor retention factor.

Have you ever faced a Usability issue while looking for any information on the website? If yes, then it means that most of the website developers are missing some ingredients in creating a user-friendly website recipe. If a user has clicked on your website to learn about something, it is your responsibility to provide them with sufficient knowledge.

10 Tips for a user-friendly website

There are a few tips; you should keep in mind while developing your website for the best user experience.

  • Visible Logo:
    Always make your logo visible to the users, as it is your brand identity. Otherwise, they may lose interest in your website. Place it on the left corner like most of the other websites, which must drive the users back to the home page. Make it prominent, understandable and memorable. Your logo design and colour must be consistent with your brand website colours.
  • Loading Speed:
    If your website takes more than 3-5 sec to open, you are going to lose a few of your visitors. It is better to reduce the load time of your website to engage more visitors and draw more traffic. This will enhance the chances that they stay on your page longer. Slow speed irritates users and they prefer to switch to some other fast site in no time.
    Make sure that your website is fast enough to grab user attention. Otherwise, they may switch to your competitor’s site. Therefore, slow speed means a slower conversion rate and the lowest Google ranking.
  • Accessibility:
    Make your website and its information easily accessible to the users. Your website must contain a “search bar” to help visitors extract useful information quickly. The design of the website must be easy to understand for everyone on the internet so that they access it regardless of language and technical barriers.
  • Compatibility:
    It is essential to make your website compatible with the medium through which users are accessing it the most. Usually, users access internet sites via mobile phone and desktop. According to 2020 stats, mobile devices excluding tablets were the source of more than 50% of the website traffic. Therefore, you should make your website well optimized for mobile view; otherwise, you may lose your potential customers.
    Make sure that your website consistently opens through browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari etc.
  • Design and Colour:
    While creating your website, always pick the right colour scheme and contrast. It should not be boring to make your visitors leave the platform. Avoid dark and dull colours that may look bizarre and make the content difficult to read. Instead, try fresh colour ideas, which remain consistent throughout the website.
    It is better to go with an easy design and page pattern to help users navigate the desired information with ease.
  • Fonts:
    Stylish fonts do not always attract readers. The moment a visitor clicks on your site when looking for something; complicated fonts make them run away. Therefore, it is better to choose a readable font and a desirable font size to let the users stick to your site for a long.
    If you fail to provide them with clear, accurate and quick knowledge about any topic, they will drift away to other platforms.
  • Site Navigation:
    No matter how beautifully, you have designed your website to tempt the users, if it is not well organized; they will leave your site. To be honest, competition among business websites has grown to the point that visitors move away from complicated navigation towards something easy to comprehend.
    While creating the layout of your website, avoid hidden menu bars and keep dropdowns to minimal. In this way, users will locate their desired information without any hassle. Use HTML and JavaScript for enhanced user experience. Thus, making an easy navigation system becomes your plus point for a successful business.
  • Call to Action (CTA):
    Small websites and businesses cannot afford to lose potential customers. Providing sufficient and useful information is one thing and creating a strong bond with your users is another thing. Your website must contain complete and enough contact details. This is an easy way to build a professional relationship, in case they want more product information.
    Call to action buttons that should be part of your web page are: Contact us, Email us, Download Now and Click here. CTA is the art of telling your users that your website contains everything that they are looking for.
  • Text:
    Keep the text precise and complete. Don’t forget to write something catchy on your home page in a bigger but simple font. The text present on your website page must split into smaller chunks to make it digestible. Moreover, making your content sharable also increase the chances of higher SEO, engagement and user experience.
  • Visual Components:
    Another major success behind a business profile is including the right mix of images and videos. Keep them short, but impactful. Your users are not going anywhere if you have added high-resolution photos and videos along with your text. However, do not stuff your website with them as quality and quantity both matters for consistent traffic. This is an effective way to communicate with the users and get to know about them and their preferences.

Winding Up:

Today, many business sites face poor performance followed by low sales and low revenue generation. The reason behind this fact is they consider usability a secondary factor. If your emphasis is website outlook, design and user accessibility, your chances of success are high.

Stay active and responsive because CTA is one-step towards improvement. Therefore, all the above tiny details matters in better branding.