Image showing ToolWine Reviews & Ratings

ToolWine Reviews & Ratings

This plugin is under review. We will update this entry once the code review is completed

What is ToolWine Reviews & Ratings Plugin

ToolWine Reviews & Ratings plugin is an AddOn for the Toolset Plugins, of the ToolWine series.

ToolWine Reviews & Ratings plugin helps create a Reviews and Ratings System together with The Toolset Plugins for your WordPress website, using a Front End Form and several fields to let users add (and delete) their ratings.

How does the ToolWine Reviews & Ratings Plugin work?

By default the plugin works with a Toolset Form with a given ID. You can and will however create as many Forms you like. Just make sure to add/change the Form IDs inĀ /public/class-tw-rar-public.php, methodĀ set_rating_forms

The plugin will automatically connect the review to the post in which the form is added. It will automtically average all ratings from the fields (point 6 above) and then add the rating to the rated post. When more than one rating is submitted by different users, it will as well automatically average those in the rated post.

If a rating is deleted, the plugin will automatically make sure the rating is discounted from the rated post.

The plugin already differentiates between a set of 6 “ratings” and one “recommendation” input.

ShortCodes of ToolWine Reviews & Ratings Plugin

  • has_user_reviewed (Returns string has_not_rated or has_rated depending if current logged in user rated current post)
  • rating_to_delete (returns Post ID of the Rating of the current user<>current post, useful for delete actions)
  • format_and_round (enclosing shortcode that can round up, and change formats of floast)