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Rank Higher on Google

Learn how to climb the search engine ladder with consistent, quality content, a solid website structure, and impeccable technical SEO.

Everyone knows, if you want to make money online then you will have to ensure that Google likes your website. Millions of people go online daily just to look for solutions to their questions. High ranking in search engines is great art. Moreover, 10% of the ranking is data, just 90% is insight. If you want a high rank, you need huge traffic to your website.

Generally, you will have to go on the first page for your preferred keyword if you need to bring traffic to your website. Here some of the common factors that will help to get a high rank on search engines:

  • Consistent content
  • Quality content
  • Quality websites and a lot of backlinks
  • An “aged” domain

Be the Most Reliable Result

The most important thing that everyone should know is just to build an awesome website. For a specific search query, Google needs to provide a user the most reliable result. You are apparently on the right SEO track if your SEO plan is centered on creating the best website possible and obtaining the most reliable result.

Technical SEO Must be Impeccable

Most of the technical aspects are covered already as WordPress is an SEO-friendly platform. You don’t need to worry about paid tools as you can install the Yoast SEO plugin, which resolves the minor problems that WordPress has. If you using the default settings or installing the plugins already enhances your SEO remarkably. SEO plugin plays an important role as it covers all the SEO aspects.

Site Speed is the main factor that decides whether you get a great ranking in search engines or not. Nowadays, this factor is being considered the most. If your website is slow, it will result in a slow crawling speed. Google takes some time to fetch pages on the website, plus it might take a long time to list new content. If you make your website faster, then you can enhance your rankings in Google. To verify whether your pages load slow or fast, you can use the speed report.

The Website Structure is Clear

A clear website structure enhances your possibilities to high rank in search engines. The Search engines, like follow links and Google. How you internally link your pages or how you structure your website plays an important role. It is because pages that don’t have multiple links will be less important to Google than the pages that have many links. Make your website according to google so that it will be on top.

Content is Always The King

In every SEO plan, SEO copywriting is a big challenge plus an important element. The website content must be good to the algorithms of search engines because search engines spider web pages. Make sure that the text will be properly written and easy to read. You just need to add a keyword that you want to rank on top of the page, in the center, or at the end. Moreover, add some modifications to the keyword in your text. Always write quality and understandable content that the audience will enjoy and go further.

Here are some steps that will help you in ranking

  1. Pick the right keywords.
    Keywords are still an imperative element to get a high rank in any search engine. Keywords enable your website to rank on a specific topic on the SERPs. This is the reason why it is so essential to pick them carefully. When selecting the keywords, you should consider the following features:
    – Always choose the keywords that are connected with the content you desire to rank
    – Enhance the text with appropriate synonyms of those words
    – Add long-tail keywords
    – Evade keyword cannibalization
    Also see How To Pick The Right Keywords.
  2. Make your content unique and stand out in search engines.
    Nowadays, meta information does not have that much influence that it has in history. Google’s search algorithm takes it lightly for page rankings. However, it is important in another aspect. The (CTR) Click-Through-Rate of your website can be improved if you have a good meta description and meta titles. Therefore, boost your CTR to get a high rank on your website
  3. Always prefer HTTPS
    HTTPS is a stable variant of the (HTTP) hypertext transfer protocol. This indicates that all data transferred between the visitors and website is preserved as well as can’t be taken by third parties. Always use HTTPS to get the best results and high ranking.
  4. Optimize your internal linking building
    Your web pages not only need a great structure, but also it is based on the needs of search engines. It is easier for Google to rank and index your content when you have related and organized internal links. Each page holds a (PA) “Page Authority,” a score based on external and internal links. The pages that have a great rating are strongly placed in the search results. With the help of links, part of the Authority is transferred from one page to other pages.
  5. On-page SEO
    All the things you can do in your website to optimize it, achieve a better ranking position on SERPs, make it more engaging, and get more visitors is called On-page SEO.
    Here are some recommendations:
    – Transform original URLs to friendly URLs.
    – To bring the consideration of more visitors give quality structured and well-written content.
    – Always use the H1, H2, and H3 tags at the time of generating content to discover the value of each one.
    – Make your website easy to use and eye-catching.
  6. Always watch your ranking position and web performance,
    as several factors can assist your website to rank higher on search engines; but the effects on SERPs can change over time. Hence, it is essential to monitor web performance regularly. This method will enable you to improve your SEO tactics if needed and remain high ranking on search engine results.


SEO is the best and long-term strategy, plus it will work if that approach centers on building an engaging website. You just have to follow the above steps, and the Yoast SEO plugin will assist you in optimizing your website and make things easier. Make sure to write quality and unique content so that your website will get a high ranking.