Image showing is a personal Blog, home to hundreds of drawings and sketches, books, maps, personal diary and even dreams. Particularly its Landing Page, and the Book Shelf are worth checking out.

This project started initially in 2012 when the need came up to describe what back then seemed a unique trip through Europe. Indeed, in the beginning, the Undenk Blog was merely a travelog.

Later it became more and more a personal playground for “unusual” artistic approach to design, trying to deliver real-world assets and known structures in WWW.

Take as an example the Bookshelf, which is an object that is rather suggesting “nostalgia” nowadays, and rather rare in modern times, tries to connect the new and the old. 
It is both a designing but also a philosophical challenge to approach modern web design with retro objects.

It was nearly impossible delivering the same experience design of on Mobile screens. Unless its content, the Undenk Website serves particular templates, depending on the device displaying it. is powered with the Minima X Theme and uses the ToolWine SEO Plugin for its search engine optimizations.

The Blog is (partially) multilingual, using Toolset and WPML on top of the classic WordPress install.
Translations, where available, were as well made by TukuToi.